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Questions with solutions related physics class 11 and 12



1. Which is more elastic, steel or rubber?

Ans: Consider two identical wires, one steel and another rubber, suspended from rigid support. Suppose, equal masses are attached to the lower ends of each, therefore , tension in them is equal. We will find that the extension in the rubber thread is much greater than extension in steel wire. Since, Young's modulus is inversly proportional to the extension produced. Thus, magnitude of stress (Y*strain) for given value of strain is much larger in steel than in rubber. This means, if steel wire is deformed, large internal forces appear. In this sense, one can say that steel is more elastic than rubber.

2. Rubber pads are used as vibration absorber. Why?

Ans: Rubber has large elastic hysteresis, i.e. workdone by a deforming force on deforming a rubber is greater than the workdone by the rubber in returning to its original shape. Thus, a particular amount of energy is absorbed in the process of deformation and restoration. This loss of vibrational energy appears as heat. If a rubber pad is placed between the vibrating body and the floor, the rubber is compressed and released in every cycle of vibration. Mechanical energy is converted into internal energy which results in the rise in temperature. As a result, only a small part of energy which results in the rise in temperature. As a result, only a small part of energy of vibration is transmitted to the floor.


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